Industrial Chemicals Ltd

Project Details

Industrial Chemicals Group Ltd. manufacture and supply water treatment chemicals, flocculants, and detergents, as well as providing purpose built grinding, milling, drying and spray drying facilities for processing customer supplied materials.

Rengasamy Balakrishnan, Electrical Manager for ICGL, was charged with finding a replacement for old sodium, metal halide, halogen and fluorescent light fittings across all the ICGL sites.
Reductions in maintenance and running costs as well as improved lighting quality and reliability were the main reasons for selecting LED lighting.

When selecting a partner for the project Mr Balakrishnan evaluated two other suppliers but selected icLighting because of their combination of service, product reliability, reasonable price and support.

Industrial Chemicals reduces annual running costs by 71%

Bespoke Lighting Design

By visiting each site and creating a bespoke lighting design for indoor and outdoor areas, icLighting were able to suggest the most appropriate fittings, optimise the layout and improve the quality of lighting.

“icLighting provides the lighting design and specifiy the light fittings” said Mr Balakrishnan “any changes that we might request are quickly incorporated by the design team.”

The project started in 2011 and has been rolled out over multiple IGCL sites since.

The value of quality fittings backed by a 5 year warranty has proved to be invaluable according to Mr Balakrishnan

A Positive Result

“We haven’t had to do any maintenance of the LED lighting in the last 5 years since we’ve been working with icLighting. Before that we were having to change bulbs every two months.”

Energy Usage (per year)

0 kWh
0 kWh
0 kWh

Running Costs (per year)

0% Saving
£68,495 Less

Carbon Footprint

0 kg
0 kg
0% Saving
427,785 Less

The energy savings of 925,560 kWh translate to a reduction in the energy bill from £93,937 to just £29,148. Maintenance has been reduced to zero.

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